Thursday, June 24, 2010

One way slab designing steps...

One Way Slab
A slab made of reinforced concrete with no voids and supported on two sides only then it will bend or deflect in the direction perpendicular to the supported edges. The structural action is one way and almost all loads being carried by the slab in the shorter direction. This type of slab is called One Way slab. If the slab is supported on all four sides and the ratio of longer side to shorter side is greater than or equal to two, then again structural action will be one way and the slab will be One Way slab.

One term which you will encounter frequently in One Way slab designing is span. Remember that span is “the distance between the two supports which are carrying almost the entire load of slab. Also bear this in mind we design the slab using a portion of slab i.e. a unit length of slab.
The steps for designing of one way slab are discussed below

·        Determine the type of one way slab you have. The different types of one way slabs are
o   Simply supported 
o   One end continuous
o   Two end continuous
o   Cantilever 
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Useful Tips...

  Internship and vacations are going hand in hand. Many of us are experiencing a new taste of working at offices and sites for the first time. This new experience is exhilarating and infectious to many of us and are enjoying this new dimension of studies to the fullest. However, at the same time, few things need not to be missed else the joy of this experience will be ruined by the future miseries.
 Keep a close watch on studies too at the same time. to keep you updated, Sir Aftab Farooqi has announced that the date of a comprehensive test (including complete course to date) will be placed on portal the first day university opens after vacations. You have to be prepared for this before hand if you don't want to find yourself in hot waters.
Below is the Assignment sheet of Soil Mechanics assignment 4. Hopefully the solution will be posted in due time.

Enjoy the vacations and do keep checking the blog regularly for useful updates.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Vacations or a new exposure.....

Today was the last day of our university and from today commences the summer holidays. However, one should strictly bear this in mind that these summer holidays will not be providing any respite to the T.E. i.e. the Third Year Engineering students of NED. This is so because the T.E. students will be doing their internships this summer.
This will be beneficial in two ways. Firstly it will be providing the students with a new exposure. This internship will give an insight to the students with the real world which they have to face in their future. Secondly the students will also get a chance to learn in an entirely new fashion. Instead of sitting on the chairs and facing the blackboard (green-board in case of NED), the students will either be sweating on site or hammering their brains in the design offices.  What ever the case be one fact is irrefutable: the T.E. students will not be having any sort of holidays.
Some of the important notices at this time are
1)      Do keep checking the blog regularly for updates as assignments and other important stuff will be posted.
2)      All of you are requested to post your experiences of internship here in the comment box.
3)       Do check the Books and RCD section right now as new stuff has been added.
4)      Finally Adios and Good Luck with the internships. Happy holidays J

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