Thursday, September 23, 2010

CE-301                                             MECHANICS OF SOLIDS-II

Enhanced Topics Related to        Unsymmetrical bending, shear flow, shear centre, Analysis of curved
Beam Bending and Shear:           beams and beams on elastic foundations.

Theory of Elasticity:                     Analysis of stresses and strains due to combined effect of axial, bending and twisting forces/moments, Elementary theory of elasticity, equilibrium and compatibility equations, stress and deformation relationships, Stress transformation, polar co-ordinates, Theories of failure.

Torsion of Thin Tubes and          Torsion of non-circular shafts, membrane analogy, Torsion in thin tubes
Open Sections:                                and open sections.

Cylinders:                                        Analysis of thin and thick cylinders.

Theory of Plasticity:                     Elementary theory of plasticity, plastic hinges, shape factor and failure mechanism.

Energy Methods:                            Energy methods-General area of application and its usefulness.

Stability:                                           Struts and columns, Euler, Rankine and other formulas for buckling load of columns, Stability analysis of columns under eccentric loading.

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